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Obituary of Sister Morin
Soeur H�l�ne Morin
(Soeur H�l�ne-de-la-Croix) Tr�s paisiblement, le 16 f�vrier 2010, au Centre Tach� de Saint-Boniface, S. H�l�ne Morin est all�e � la rencontre du Seigneur � l'�ge de 92 ans. Elle �tait membre de la Congr�gation des Missionnaires Oblates de Saint-Boniface depuis 71 ans. H�l�ne est n�e � Saint-Boniface (MB) le 1er novembre 1917. Son p�re, �mile Morin �tait de St-Prime, Lac St-Jean, QC et sa m�re Christiana Desrochers, d'origine fran�aise, r�sidait � Montr�al. Outre sa famille religieuse, Soeur H�l�ne Morin laisse dans le deuil son fr�re Louis (Verna Stringer) et sa Soeur Jeannette (feu Donald Carr). Elle est pr�c�d�e dans la mort par ses parents �mile et Christiana, ses fr�res L�o, G�rard, Eug�ne Morin, o.m.i., et sa soeur, Melvina Olson. Le visionnement aura lieu � la Cath�drale de St-Boniface lundi, le 22 f�vrier 2010 � 13 h 30. Les fun�railles seront c�l�br�es � 14 h. Le P�re Albert Bouffard, o.m.i., pr�sidera la c�l�bration. L'inhumation des cendres aura lieu mardi le 23 f�vrier � 11 h au Cimeti�re Saint-Boniface, rue Archibald. La direction des fun�railles est confi�e au salon Mortuaire Cropo. Si vous le d�sirez, vous pouvez faire un don en m�moire de Soeur H�l�ne Morin au Centre de Renouveau Aulneau, Unit� 111-420 rue Des Meurons, Winnipeg, MB, R2H 2N9. Le Centre de Renouveau Aulneau est une des oeuvres des Missionnaires Oblates de St-Boniface.
Sister H�l�ne Morin
Sister H�l�ne Morin (Sr H�l�ne-de-la-Croix) passed away at Tache Centre in St.Boniface on February 16th, 2010 at the age of 92. She was a member of the religious Congregation of the Missionary Oblate Sisters of St. Boniface for 71 years. Sister H�l�ne was born in St. Boniface (MB) on November 1st. 1917. Her father, �mile Morin was born in St-Prime, QC, and her mother, Christiana Desrochers was from Montreal QC. Along with the members of her religious Congregation, she leaves to mourn her passing, her brother Louis (Verna Stringer) and her sister Jeannette Carr (the late Donald). She was predeceased by her parents, �mile and Christiana, her brothers L�o, G�rard, Eug�ne Morin, o.m.i., and her sister, Melvina Olson.
Viewing will take place at the St. Boniface Cathedral on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1:30 p.m. Funeral service will follow at 2:00 p.m. Father Albert Bouffard, o.m.i. will preside the celebration. Interment of the ashes on Tuesday, February 23rd at 11:00 a.m. at St. Boniface Cemetery on Archibald Street.
Donations in memory of Sister H�l�ne Morin may be sent to Aulneau Renewal Centre, Unit 111-420 DesMeurons St., Winnipeg (MB) R2H 2N9. The Aulneau Renewal Centre is a counseling centre founded by the Missionnary Oblate Sisters of St.Boniface.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Sister
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Cropo Funeral Home

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