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Peacefully on January 23, 2025, at Tuxedo Villa Extendicare, Maria Oliveira da Costa Vieira passed away surrounded by her family. Daughter of Antonio Gomes da Costa and Rosa da Conceicao Oliveira. Maria was born on April 10, 1926, in Oleiros, Ponte da Barca, Portugal
Preceded in death by her beloved husband Jose Vieira surviving Maria are their 5 children: Mario, [Isabel] Aleixo, [Patricia] Helena, Ceu, and Josie [Luis]. Grandparents to 12 Grandchildren: Paul [Tamara], Michele [Michael], Diana [Manuel], Peter [Lindsay], Tony [Ashley], Jennifer [John], Joel [Kendra], Christina [Justin], Kevin [Ainsley], Chantel [Shaun], David [Paige], Joshua [Deirdre]. Great-Grandparents to 32: Jordan, Benjamin, Abigail, Jadyn, Jasmine, Savanna, Gabriel, Ashley, Antonio, Timothy, Theo, Cassidy, Davide, Matthew, Nolan, Peyton, Blake, Antonia, Leandro, Maelle, Ryder, Sienna, Hudson, Soren, Bodhi, Brielle, Sophia, Kane, Ava, Emma, Nadia, Harrison. Great-Great-Grandchildren 5: Maria, Amari, Myrah, Rowan, and Daphne. Nieces and Nephews: Nazare (Jose), Sandra (Carlos), Marco, Matthew, Chanel, Monica. Also dear to her were Casimiro and Vidal.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Maria Oliveira da Costa Vieira; A loving mother and grandmother to three generations of grandchildren, and extended family and friends. Maria passed away peacefully at the age of 98, leaving behind a legacy of love, warmth, and unforgettable memories.
Maria was born in Oleiros, Ponte da Barca, Portugal. In 1965, she and her husband Jose immigrated to Canada, settling in Winnipeg seeking a better life for their children. Through hard work and determination, she found employment in the garment industry, where she worked hard making many friends until her well-deserved retirement.
For 20 years, Maria and Jose made annual trips back to Portugal, where they built a beautiful home together and they loved taking morning walks though their fruit filled vineyards. They reveled in the food, the “Romarias”, the marching bands, and most of all, the love and joy of family and friends. Maria’s love was most often shown through her cooking, where she would always find a way to feed anyone who arrived at her door—no matter how many people were there, she had the magical ability to multiply the portions and ensure everyone was fed and cared for.
Maria’s family grew with time, being blessed with grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren. She lovingly babysat them and many others in her community, always offering a safe and caring place for all.
Deeply involved in the Portuguese community, her contributions went beyond her family. She was a proud member of the Portuguese Association and later, along with her husband, they headed the founding of Casa Do Minho. They spent many years actively participating in events, gatherings, and supporting the preservation of Portuguese culture where they continued to honor their heritage and staying connected to their roots, while building lasting friendships.
Every morning, Maria and Jose could be found at Salisbury House, enjoying their cup of coffee and toast. It was a cherished ritual, and they became a beloved part of the Salisbury House family. After Jose passed, Maria continued her daily visits, finding comfort in the familiar routine and the friends she made there. The staff adored her, and their fondness for her was evident.
In her later years, Maria found a new companion in her dog, Rosinha, who became her partner in crime. Maria loved “Rosie” deeply, and the two traveled together back to Portugal on several occasions, sharing new adventures and creating lasting memories.
Maria’s final chapter was spent at Tuxedo Villa, where she was embraced by a wonderful team of caregivers who became like family. Her family visited daily, bringing the delicious foods she loved to eat. These visits were a time to share great memories, laugh, and reminisce about times past. Everyone at Tuxedo Villa loved Maria—her gentle but feisty personality often brought joy to those around her. There was never a shortage of laughter. When she passed, the outpouring of love and respect from the staff was evident, as they cried and paid their last respects. We will miss our mom deeply, and we will miss our Tuxedo family as well, who became such an important part of our lives.
The family would like to extend their deepest gratitude to the exceptional staff at Tuxedo Villa for the care and compassion they gave our mother. Their kindness made her feel at home and surrounded by love during her final years.
Maria will be deeply missed by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, along with extended family and many friends, both in Canada and Portugal. Maria leaves behind a lasting impact on all who knew her, and her memory will forever be cherished.
Prayers will take place Thursday January 30th, 2025, at the Immaculate Conception Parish, 181 Austin St. at 7:00 PM. Mass of Resurrection will be celebrated at the Parish Church on Friday January 31, 2025, at 12:00PM.
Rest in peace, Mae. Your love, laughter, and strength will forever live on in our hearts. We look forward to meeting again in the Father’s house, where there are many rooms.
Until we meet again….
É com profunda tristeza que comunicamos o tranquilo falecimento de Maria Oliveira da Costa Vieira, querida mãe, avó, bisavó e trisavó, falecida no dia 23 de janeiro de 2025, na Tuxedo Villa Extendicare, rodeada da sua extremosa família. Maria nasceu a 10 de Abril de 1926, em Oleiros, Ponte da Barca, Portugal, filha de António Gomes da Costa e de Rosa da Conceição Oliveira. Foi precedida no falecimento pelo seu amado marido, José Vieira. Deixa de luto pela sua morte os seus cinco filhos: Mário, Isabel (Aleixo), Patrícia (Helena), Céu e Josie (Luis). Era a querida avó de 12 netos: Paul (Tamara), Michele (Michael), Diana (Manuel), Peter (Lindsay), Tony (Ashley), Jennifer (John), Joel (Kendra), Christina (Justin), Kevin (Ainsley), Chantel (Shaun), David (Paige) e Joshua (Deirdre). Maria deixa ainda 32 bisnetos: Jordan, Benjamin, Abigail, Jadyn, Jasmine, Savanna, Gabriel, Ashley, Antonio, Timothy, Theo, Cassidy, Davide, Matthew, Nolan, Peyton, Blake, Antonia, Leandro, Maelle, Ryder, Sienna, Hudson, Soren, Bodhi, Brielle, Sophia, Kane, Ava, Emma, Nadia e Harrison. Além disso, Maria era trisavó de Maria, Amari, Myrah, Rowan e Daphne. Nascidos em Portugal, Maria e José imigraram para o Canadá em 1965, em busca de uma vida melhor para a família. Estabeleceram-se em Winnipeg, onde Maria trabalhou incansavelmente na indústria do vestuário, fazendo amizades duradouras ao longo do caminho até à sua merecida reforma. Durante mais de 20 anos, Maria e José fizeram viagens anuais de regresso a Portugal, onde construíram uma bela casa e desfrutaram dos seus passatempos favoritos – passeios matinais pelas suas vinhas repletas de fruta, celebrando “Romarias”, ouvindo bandas marciais e valorizando o tempo passado junto aos seus irmãos, família e amigos.
O amor e a hospitalidade de Maria eram frequentemente expressos através da sua cozinha. Tinha uma capacidade mágica de esticar as refeições, garantindo que qualquer pessoa que passasse pela sua porta estava bem alimentada e cuidada. A sua casa sempre foi um refúgio seguro para os seus filhos, netos e qualquer pessoa necessitada, e ela passou inúmeras horas a cuidar de os netos e crianças e a proporcionar um ambiente amoroso e atencioso para todos. Membro dedicado da comunidade portuguesa, Maria desempenhou um papel activo na preservação do seu património. Era um orgulhoso membro da Associação Portuguesa e, juntamente com o seu marido, José, ajudou a fundar a Casa do Minho, onde ambos trabalharam incansavelmente para promover a cultura portuguesa e apoiar a sua comunidade. As manhãs de Maria eram frequentemente passadas no Salisbury House, onde ela e José desfrutavam do seu ritual diário de café e torradas, tornando-se clientes habituais do restaurante. Após o falecimento de José, Maria deu continuidade a esta tradição, encontrando conforto nos rostos familiares e no ambiente acolhedor. Nos últimos anos, a companheira da Maria, a sua cadela Rosinha, trouxe-lhe muita alegria. Juntos, viajaram várias vezes para Portugal, criando novas memórias e aventuras. Os últimos anos de Maria foram passados na Tuxedo Villa, onde foi abraçada por uma equipa compassiva de cuidadores que se tornaram como uma família. Nós visitávamos diariamente, trazendo as comidas deliciosas que ela adorava comer. As visitas dos seus filhos e entes queridos trouxeram-lhe grande conforto, e os funcionários da Tuxedo Villa tinham um profundo carinho por ela, expressando muitas vezes o seu amor e respeito pela sua presença. A família gostaria de estender a sua sincera gratidão à excecional equipa da Tuxedo Villa pelo cuidado e compaixão que prestaram, garantindo que os últimos anos de Maria foram repletos de amor e dignidade. A falta de Maria será profundamente sentida pelos seus filhos, netos, bisnetos, trinetos e muita família e amigos no Canadá e em Portugal. O seu legado de amor, riso e força continuará a viver no coração de todos os que a conheceram.
Descanse em paz, mãe. Seu amor, riso e força viverão para sempre em nossos corações. Estamos ansiosos para nos encontrarmos novamente na casa do Senhor, onde há muitos quartos. Até lá.

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